GRFS, Sports & Fitness

Galileo Research Facts No. 61: Are 5 minutes Galileo Mano Training (dumbbell) an effective warm up Training?

Galileo Research Facts No. 61: Are 5 minutes Galileo Mano Training (dumbbell) an effective warm up Training?

As shown in #GRFS60 Galileo Training can be used very effectively as a warm up exercise. This study evaluated warm up effects for the Galileo Mano – the Galileo vibrating dumbbell. In principle exercises for arms and shoulders can be performed on the standard Galileo standing devices like for example push-ups (exercise 91/92) or dips (exercise 93). However, application for arms and shoulders using a standard (standing) vibration device is quite limited. Therefore, we developed Galileo Mano – a dumbbell with a vibrating handle (2mm amplitude).

In this study 5 different exercises at 26 Hz while lying flat on the stomach where used. Each exercise was performed for 60 seconds so 5 minutes training in total. The control groups did either performed the identical exercises without vibration or used an arm ergometer (“cycling for the arms”, 25W, 25rpm). The Galileo groups showed the highest results with significant improvement in muscle activation (EMG) and peak power output (measured in pulling) of up to 6%. Another god example of how effective Galileo Training can be used also for preparing standard training schemes.

#GRFS61 #GalileoTraining #WarmUp #Stretching #Flexibility #GalileoMano #Dumbbell #VibratingDummbell #Arm #Shoulder #MechanoStimulation #VibrationTraining