Overview of Galileo Research Fact Sheets (GRFS)

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Galileo Research Facts No. 175: Do Galileo Therapy effects in the elderly last 6 months after end of intervention?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 175: Do Galileo Therapy effects in the elderly last 6 months after end of intervention?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy on functional independence (Barthel Index) in frail elderly (age 74-90) Three groups: Control without intervention, Simulation (identical exercises without Galileo), Galileo group (26Hz, pos. 1-2, 20° squat, 5-10x 1min.,12 weeks, 3/week). Only the Galileo group showed significant improvements of 6% and could maintain them even 6 months after the end of intervention...
Galileo Research Facts No. 174: Can Galileo Therapy in COPD improve Balance more than Balance Training?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 174: Can Galileo Therapy in COPD improve Balance more than Balance Training?

This study compared the effects of Galileo Therapy on balance in COPD patients (age 50-80) compared to traditional balance training. Galileo group: 4 exercises, 2x1min each, 5-26Hz, Pos.2-3, 3 weeks, 3/week, Controls: identical exercises on balance pad. Compared to control the Galileo group showed significant improvements in balance parameters of up to +23% after only 9 sessions over a period of 3 weeks...
Galileo Research Facts No. 173: Can Galileo Training increase Oxygen uptake compared to traditional exercises?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 173: Can Galileo Training increase Oxygen uptake compared to traditional exercises?

This study investigated the effects of squats and heel raises with extra loads on muscle function and cross-section with and without Galileo Training at 40Hz (20-40Hz, pos. 3-4, loads 80% 1RM (80kg), 3x8 squats (4 sec.), 3x12 heel raises, 6 weeks, 16 Sessions). The Galileo group showed with 5-12% lower additional training mass a significantly higher oxygen uptake (+15%) and therefore a higher training efficiency...
Galileo Research Facts No. 172: Can Galileo Therapy increase Muscle Function in Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD)?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 172: Can Galileo Therapy increase Muscle Function in Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD)?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy on muscle function (6MTW, CRT) in Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD) (Age: 49-75). Galileo group: 30° squat, 3x3min, 26Hz, pos. 2-3, 16 weeks, 3/week, Control: identical exercises without Galileo. The Galileo group showed significant improvements in muscle function in 6MWT (+6%) and CRT (+13%) and at the same time an decrease in the inflammation parameter IL-6 (-33%)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 171: Can Galileo Therapy improve walking distance in kids with CP GMFCS level 1 & 2?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 171: Can Galileo Therapy improve walking distance in kids with CP GMFCS level 1 & 2?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy in Cerebral Palsy (CP, GMFCS 1&2, age 5-9) (Cologne Concept: 3x3 minutes, 10 session/week, 26 weeks) on walking distance (1MWT). Galileo Therapy showed a significant increase after 6 months (+17%) while there was no further increase in the following 6 months without Galileo but with individual standard therapy...
Galileo Research Facts No. 170: Can Galileo Therapy increase balance and muscle function also in frail elderly?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 170: Can Galileo Therapy increase balance and muscle function also in frail elderly?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy on muscle function an balance in frail elderly (age 74-90) Three groups: Control without intervention, Simulation (identical exercises without Galileo), Galileo group (26Hz, pos. 1-2, 20° squat, 5-10x 1min.,12 weeks, 3/week). The Galileo group showed significant functional improvements of up to +14% while the other groups showed decrease in all parameters of up to -24%...
Galileo Research Facts No. 169: Can Galileo Therapy improve Muscle Function in Down Syndrome?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 169: Can Galileo Therapy improve Muscle Function in Down Syndrome?

This study investigated effects of Galileo Therapy (3x3 min., 20Hz, pos. 2-3, 4/week, 20 weeks) in adolescents with Down Syndrome (age 10-19). The results after 20 weeks showed significant improvements in muscle function in endurance during 6MWT (distance: +12%) as well as movement efficiency (jump: +11%) or power in chair rise test (CRT, power: +15%, duration: -25%) and jump for maximum height (jumping height: +28%)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 168: Is in Parkinson’s regeneration after Galileo Therapy faster than after treadmill therapy?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 168: Is in Parkinson’s regeneration after Galileo Therapy faster than after treadmill therapy?

This study investigated the effects of treadmill therapy and Galileo Therapy in Parkinson’s patients on training intensity (oxygen uptake) as well as regeneration (4 weeks, 4/week: 4x5 min. walking vs. 10x1 Min Galileo, 26Hz, pos. 4, static semi squat). The Galileo group showed increased oxygen uptake (+41%) after 20 minutes but at the same time a significantly decreased regeneration time (EPOC, -37%)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 167: Are Joint Torques during Galileo Training Dependent on Frequency and Amplitude?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 167: Are Joint Torques during Galileo Training Dependent on Frequency and Amplitude?

This study investigates the effects of Frequency and Amplitude during Galileo Training on joint torques (10, 20, 30Hz, pos.1, pos.2, pos.3, upright standing with straight legs). Joint torque showed an significant increase with increasing frequency and amplitude of up to 250% - nevertheless joint torques stayed below those of natural walking...
Galileo Research Facts No. 166: Can Galileo Therapy reduce Cocontraction and Spasticity in Children with CP?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 166: Can Galileo Therapy reduce Cocontraction and Spasticity in Children with CP?

This study investigated short-term effects of Galileo Therapy (16-25Hz, pos. 1,5-3, 1 min., 10° knee angle, fore-foot stance) in children with spastic Cerebral Palsy (CP, GMFCS 2-4, 4-12 Jahre). The results show a massive decrease in cocontraction (26% to 54%) and hence and increase in voluntary muscle activation (#GRFS165). Both effects explain are essential for reduction of Spasticity when using Galileo Therapy...
Galileo Research Facts No. 165: Can Galileo Therapy improve voluntary muscle activation in children with CP?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 165: Can Galileo Therapy improve voluntary muscle activation in children with CP?

This study investigated short-term effects of Galileo Therapy (16-25Hz, pos. 1,5-3, 1 min., 10° knee angle, fore-foot stance) in children with spastic Cerebral Palsy (CP, GMFCS 2-4, 4-12 Jahre). The mechanical reflex (-12%), active Range of Motion (+15%) and the voluntary muscle activation (+17, +37%) was measured. The observed significant improvements explain why Galileo Therapy is so effective in Spasticity Management...
Galileo Research Facts No. 164: Can static exercises with Galileo Training be more effective than dynamic exercises?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 164: Can static exercises with Galileo Training be more effective than dynamic exercises?

This study documented the effects of Galileo Training in combination with squats on the heart rate. Dynamic as well as static squats with and without Galileo were tested (26Hz, Pos. 3). The Galileo groups showed significantly higher effects on the heart rate compared to the control group with +42% and +47%. The static squats was 13% more effective than the dynamic exercises...
Galileo Research Facts No. 163: Can Galileo Therapy improve walking distance in kids with CP?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 163: Can Galileo Therapy improve walking distance in kids with CP?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy in Cerebral Palsy (CP, GMFCS 1&2, age 5-10) (Cologne Concept: 3x3 minutes, 10 session/week, 26 weeks) on walking distance (6MWT). Galileo Therapy showed a significant increase in walking distance after 6 months (+17%) while there was no further increase in the following 6 months without Galileo but with individual standard therapy...
Galileo Research Facts No. 162: Can Galileo Training improve movement efficiency?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 162: Can Galileo Training improve movement efficiency?

This study investigated short-term effects of Galileo Training on movement efficiency (30Hz, Pos. 2, 1 min., 10% knee angle, fore-foot stance, 2x8 repetitions). The maximum ankle torque and muscle activation (EMG) was tested. After the Galileo application the torque was constant but muscle activation as well as co-contraction was decreased and hence movement efficiency was increased significantly...
Galileo Research Facts No. 161: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function in Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA)?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 161: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function in Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA)?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy in Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA, type II, III, IIIa, age 2-7) (Cologne Concept: 3x3 minutes, 10 session/week, 26 weeks). Galileo Therapy showed significant improvements in muscle function in Gross Motor Function Test (GMFM-66, +4%) and Hammersmith Functional Mobility Scale (HFMS, +9,5%). The following 6 months of standard therapy did not show further significant improvements...
Galileo Research Facts No. 160: Does Galileo Training induce larger forces than in walking?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 160: Does Galileo Training induce larger forces than in walking?

This study measured the ground reaction forces during Galileo Training (forces induced into the body) (10 - 30Hz, Pos.1 - Pos.3, upright standing, locked knees). Ground reaction forces showed values below body weight (<1g) while typical peak forces during walking are in the range of 1.2 times body weight – this shows once more the high safety aspects of Galileo Training...
Galileo Research Facts No. 159: Can Galileo Therapy be used even under intense Chemotherapy in Leukemia?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 159: Can Galileo Therapy be used even under intense Chemotherapy in Leukemia?

This safety study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy during intense chemotherapy in Leukemia. Galileo Therapy was compared to cycling ergometer training (20 min., 18-25Hz, pos. 3-4, 120° squat, 3/week, 2 weeks). The Galileo group showed significant muscle function improvements compared to the ergometer group with in Chair-rise power (+4%), jump height (+12%) as well as timed up & go test (TUG, +19%)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 158: Is Galileo Training more effective to activate Postural Control than Balance Training?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 158: Is Galileo Training more effective to activate Postural Control than Balance Training?

This Study observed short-term effects of Galileo Training on Postural Control compared to traditional balance training (25Hz, pos. 2, 2 min., almost straight leg, on forefoot). The Galileo group showed better results than the Wobble-Board group. The combination of reduction of co-contraction (-18%) and of H-Reflexes (-31%) resulted in an significant improvement of Postural Control (covered balance area -8%)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 157: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and gait speed in children with Ataxia?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 157: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and gait speed in children with Ataxia?

This study shows the effect of Galileo Therapy (Cologne Concept: 3x3 minutes, 10 session/week, 26 weeks) in Ataxia patients (3-14 years, 2 groups: progressive and non-progressive). Both Galileo groups show significant improvements in GRMF66 (+7%), gait speed (+12%), 1MWT (+41%). In the following 6 months with standard therapy there was no additional relevant improvement in the parameters...
Galileo Research Facts No. 156: Can Galileo Therapy increase Bone Mass?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 156: Can Galileo Therapy increase Bone Mass?

This study investigated possible positive effects of Hypoxia (simulated high-altitude training) on Galileo Therapy for the increase of bone mass in older individuals (age: 65-77). Three groups were used (Control, Galileo with & without Hypoxia, +5min. Ergometer warmup, 12.5Hz, 120° squat, pos. 2, 4x30sec, 2/week, 18 weeks). Both Galileo groups show significant improvements of bone mass compared with the control group...
Galileo Research Facts No. 155: Can Galileo Therapy help COVID-19 patients for therapy and physical rehab?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 155: Can Galileo Therapy help COVID-19 patients for therapy and physical rehab?

The WAVex (World Association of Vibration Exercise Experts) Panel recommends the use of Galileo Therapy for COVID-19 patients for therapy and physical rehab. Background for the recommendation are the results of 36 international comparable studies – more than half of them using Galileo devices, including the import ones concerning the use in ICU, COPD, CP, Parkinson and allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation...
Galileo Research Facts No. 154: Can Galileo Therapy be used safely for patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU)?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 154: Can Galileo Therapy be used safely for patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU)?

This study investigated effects and safety of Galileo application for mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care unit (UCI) with an expected stay of 7 days. A Galileo Med 15 was mounted directly to the ICU bed (exercises in lying, 3x3 Min., 24Hz, 20° knee flexion). The results showed significant positive muscular and cardiovascular effects and an improved muscle metabolism without negative side-effects...
Galileo Research Facts No. 153: Can Galileo Therapy help COVID-19 patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU)?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 153: Can Galileo Therapy help COVID-19 patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU)?

The WAVex (World Association of Vibration Exercise Experts) Panel recommends the use of Galileo Therapy for COVID-19 patient therapy in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Background are the results of 36 international comparable studies – more than half of them using Galileo devices, including the import ones concerning the use in ICU, COPD, CP, Parkinson and allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation...
Galileo Research Facts No. 152: Can Galileo Mano Therapy reduce upper-limb dysfunction during Cancer Radiotherapy?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 152: Can Galileo Mano Therapy reduce upper-limb dysfunction during Cancer Radiotherapy?

This study reported the effects of Galileo Mano Therapy on upper-body limb function and mental fatigue (Galileo Mano, 3 types of exercises, 10/18/30Hz, 3x20min./week, 6 weeks). The patients received additional 20 min. of ergometer and balance training each. The result showed improve upper-limb function and increased overall fitness and mental fatigue (+9% Grip Strength, +23% Flexibility, +18% less Mental Fatigue)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 151: Can Galileo Training make squats more efficient and more effective?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 151: Can Galileo Training make squats more efficient and more effective?

This study reported the short-term effects of Galileo Training on muscle activation and exhaustion (26Hz, 90° dynamic squats, Pos. 6, 40% body weight extra load, subjective exhaustion). The control group received identical exercises without Galileo. The Galileo groups showed higher training effects (increase lactate +205% instead of +160%) in significantly shorter time (349s instead of 515s) plus increased muscle activation...
Galileo Research Facts No. 150: Can exhaustive Galileo Therapy be used safely even in heart transplant patients?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 150: Can exhaustive Galileo Therapy be used safely even in heart transplant patients?

This study reported the effects of Galileo Therapy on cardiovascular parameters in patients after heart trans-plant (4 months post and longer) (26Hz, pos. 1.5, 70° squat). All patients received additional cardiovascular exercises on a cycling ergometers (av. Heart-rate 118Hz). The results showed that exhaustive Galileo Therapy even at higher frequencies (26Hz) has only a moderate effect on the cardiovascular system.
Galileo Research Facts No. 149: Can Galileo Training significantly increase force and force development?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 149: Can Galileo Training significantly increase force and force development?

This study investigated the short-term effect of Galileo Training on force and force development (26Hz, 40° squat, Pos. 3, 5Min). The control group received identical exercises without Galileo or cycling ergometer (70W). Force and force development during electrostimulation was measured. While both control groups reduced the parameters 5 minutes of Galileo Training could increase force and force development significantly...
Galileo Research Facts No. 148: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and gait parameters in Spina Bifida patients?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 148: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and gait parameters in Spina Bifida patients?

This study shows the effect of Galileo Therapy (Cologne Concept: 3x3 minutes, 10 session/week, 26 weeks) with Spina Bifida patients (5-13 years). Galileo Therapy not only decreased contractures in Hip and knee extension but also increased abilities in walking (+20%, GMFM-E) and standing (+36%, GMFM-D) as well as gait velocity by +50%...
Galileo Research Facts No. 147: Can Galileo Training compensate the effects of bedrest on the Bone Marrow Fat-Fraction?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 147: Can Galileo Training compensate the effects of bedrest on the Bone Marrow Fat-Fraction?

In the 2nd Berlin Bedrest Study (BBR2) the effects of Galileo Training against the expected bone loss was tested (55 days, 24Hz, 6x1 min. exhaustive, 3/week). The control groups receive no training or identical training with-out vibration (RE). Compared to both control groups, the Galileo group showed a decrease in vertebra bone marrow fat fraction and in increase in number of red blood cells - both are related to increased endurance...
Galileo Research Facts No. 146: Can exercises with extra loads and with Galileo Training at 40Hz be more effective than without?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 146: Can exercises with extra loads and with Galileo Training at 40Hz be more effective than without?

This study investigated the effects of squats and heel raises with extra loads on muscle function and cross-section with and without Galileo Training at 40Hz (20-40Hz, pos. 3-4, loads 80% 1RM (80kg), 3x8 squats (4 sec.), 3x12 heel raises, 6 weeks, 16 Sessions). The Galileo Group showed higher training effects with increases of isometric torque (up to +4%) and the speed indicator reactive ground contact time (-8%, Drop Jump)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 145: Can Galileo Training compensate negative vascular effects of bedrest?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 145: Can Galileo Training compensate negative vascular effects of bedrest?

In the 2nd Berlin Bedrest Study (BBR2) the effects of Galileo Training against the expected bone loss was tested (55 days, 24Hz, 6x1 min. exhaustive, 3/week). The control groups receive no training or identical training with-out vibration (RE). While the control groups showed significant decrease in vascular parameters like dilator capacity or vascular diameter, the Galileo Group could even improve some of them (Vascular Stiffness)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 144: Can 3 weeks of Galileo Therapy improve balance in COPD patients?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 144: Can 3 weeks of Galileo Therapy improve balance in COPD patients?

This study documented the effects of Galileo Therapy on Balance and muscle function in COPD patients. Both groups received endurance training (15 min.) + strength training (50 Min) 5/week, as well as additional 4*2 min. squatting exercises with or without Galileo (24-26Hz, pos. 2.5, 3/week, 3 weeks). The Galileo group showed significantly higher effects on Balance with improvements of up to 28% (e.g. semi-tandem stance, eyes closed)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 143: Can Galileo Training over a period of 12 weeks increase bone density at the spine?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 143: Can Galileo Training over a period of 12 weeks increase bone density at the spine?

This study investigated the effects of 12 weeks of Galileo Training on bone formation markers and bone density of the spine in physical active students (age 18-23) (15-26Hz, 5-15 min., pos.2, 3/week, 12 weeks). The control group did not receive any additional exercises. While the control group decreased bone density at the spine of by up to 1.7%, the Galileo group could increase the bone density at the spine by up to 2.7%...
Galileo Research Facts No. 142: Can Galileo Therapy improve bone parameters in Pompe disease patients?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 142: Can Galileo Therapy improve bone parameters in Pompe disease patients?

This pilot study documented effects of Galileo Therapy on bone architecture in patients with pope disease (20Hz, pos. 2, 4 Min., 3/week, 15 weeks). One of the patients was ambulatory the other wheel-chair bound. Both patients showed improvements, however the effects where much more pronounced in the wheel-chair bound patient with improvements of trabecular bone density of 12% and in trabecular number of 23%...
Galileo Research Facts No. 141: Can Galileo Training be more effective and more efficient than traditional stretching?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 141: Can Galileo Training be more effective and more efficient than traditional stretching?

This study documented the immediate effects of Galileo Training one force development, torque and range of motion (ROM) (26Hz, 5x60s, stretching of ankle). The control group performed identical exercises without Galileo Mechanostimulation. The Galileo group showed increase stretching effects (+38%) and a significant increase in torque (Platarflexion) by +18%, and an increased force development at lower ankle angles (-7°)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 140: Can Galileo Therapy increase muscle force and decrease fall-risk in young obese?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 140: Can Galileo Therapy increase muscle force and decrease fall-risk in young obese?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy on muscle force and fall-risk in young obese patients (26Hz, pos. 2, 20° squat, 5x60s., 3/week, 6 weeks). The control group performed identical exercises without Galileo. The Galileo group showed significantly higher effects than the control group for example on muscle strength (extensor torque increase by +6%) as well as reduction of fall-risk and fall-rate by -68%...
Galileo Research Facts No. 139: Can Galileo Training be more effective to prevent bone-loss than strength training?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 139: Can Galileo Training be more effective to prevent bone-loss than strength training?

This study investigated the short-term effects of Galileo Training vs. strength training on bone resorption markers (XTC). The control group received intensive strength training (6 exercises, 2*10 repetitions, 80% 1RM) the Galileo group received Galileo only (20Hz, 5 * 1 min., pos. 2, 30° squats). The Galileo group showed a significant reduction in bone resorption markers (CTX) by up to 21% (factor 3 compared to control)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 138: Can Galileo Therapy decrease the development of Scoliosis?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 138: Can Galileo Therapy decrease the development of Scoliosis?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy on the development of Scoliosis. The control group received Schroth-therapy (daily home-based + 2/week physiotherapy). The Galileo group only received Galileo Therapy (4 exercises, 4*3 min., 10-15Hz, 5/week, 6 months). Compared to the control group the Galileo group showed a significant decrease in the scoliosis extent (Cobb-angle) by up to 6% (2.5°)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 137: Can Galileo Training be more effective and efficient for warm-up than ergometer training?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 137: Can Galileo Training be more effective and efficient for warm-up than ergometer training?

This study investigated the warm-up effects of Galileo Training on muscle temperature, power and the training duration. Passive warm-up in a water bath (legs at 41°C), standard ergometer training (10 min., 70W) and Galileo Training (26Hz, Pos.3,10°-90° 6s slow dynamic squats, 5min.) where compared. The results showed that Galileo Training had higher effects on muscle power (ergometer) in a shorter time (52% of ergometer)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 136: Can Galileo Therapy improve quality of life (QOL) in Fibromyalgia patients?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 136: Can Galileo Therapy improve quality of life (QOL) in Fibromyalgia patients?

This study reported the effects of Galileo Therapy on health related quality of life (HRQOL) in Fibromyalgia patients (12.5Hz, 6x30-60s., 3/week, 12 weeks). Both groups received additional standard therapy, the Galileo group additional Galileo Therapy. While the control groups showed a decrease in health related quality of life (FIQ) by up to 7% the Galileo group showed an improvement with an over-all difference of up to 11%...
Galileo Research Facts No. 135: Can exercises with extra loads and with Galileo Training at 40Hz be more effective than without?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 135: Can exercises with extra loads and with Galileo Training at 40Hz be more effective than without?

This study investigated the effects of squats and heel raises with extra loads on muscle function and cross-section with and without Galileo Training at 40Hz (20-40Hz, pos. 3-4, loads 80% 1RM (80kg), 3x8 squats (4 sec.), 3x12 heel raises, 6 weeks, 16 Sessions). The Galileo Group showed higher training effects with increases of muscle cross-section (up to +7%) and the speed indicator reactive ground contact time (-8%, Drop Jump)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 134: Can Galileo Therapy in Ataxia patients improve blood-flow and muscle activation?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 134: Can Galileo Therapy in Ataxia patients improve blood-flow and muscle activation?

This study investigated the immediate effects of Galileo Therapy with different frequencies and durations on muscle activation (EMG) and blood-flow (Galileo Delta, 45° tilt, 60° knee flexion, pos. 2.5, 10, 20, 30Hz, 1*3 vs. 3*1 min., 6 session/2 weeks). High frequencies (30Hz) during Galileo Delta Therapy showed higher effects on blood-flow (+33%), exertion (96%) and EMG Frequency (55%) compared to lower frequencies (10Hz)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 133: Can Galileo Training increase muscle tissue oxygenation more effectively than squatting?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 133: Can Galileo Training increase muscle tissue oxygenation more effectively than squatting?

This study investigated the immediate effects of Galileo Training on muscle tissue oxygenation and blood per-fusion (25Hz, 3 min., pos.2-3, 30° squats). The control group received squats (3 min, 12/min.) with additional weights matched to the VO2 values of the Galileo group. The Galileo group showed significantly higher muscle oxygenation of up to 2.4 times (+140%) starting right after the beginning and lasting longer than the exercise...
Galileo Research Facts No. 132: Can Galileo Therapy increase muscle power and decrease fall risk in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 132: Can Galileo Therapy increase muscle power and decrease fall risk in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients?

This pilot study reported the effects of Galileo Therapy on fall risk and muscle power in MS (multiple sclerosis) patients (20Hz, pos. 1.5, slightly flexed legs (20°), 5*1 min., 3/week, 8 weeks). Just 5 minutes Galileo Therapy 3 times per week showed decreased fall-risk and significantly improved balance (+12%), muscle function and muscle Power (+12%) as well as knee torque at flexor (+12) and extensor (15%)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 131: Can Galileo Training cause a sustainable improvement of torque at the knee?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 131: Can Galileo Training cause a sustainable improvement of torque at the knee?

This study documented the effects of Galileo Training and concentric, eccentric and isometric knee torque in physical active young women (25Hz, pos.3, 2*5 min., 10° flexed legs, 5/week, 3 weeks). The control group continued their usual weekly training. The Galileo group received Galileo Training only. The Galileo group showed an improvement of knee torque by up to 16%. This effects was sustained even after 3 weeks (+7%)...
Galileo Research Facts No. 130 Can Galileo Therapy improve the motoric function in kids with Cerebral Palsy (CP)?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 130 Can Galileo Therapy improve the motoric function in kids with Cerebral Palsy (CP)?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy in children with CP (Cerebral Palsy) and other neuro-muscular conditions within the Cologne therapy concept “auf die Beine” on motoric function and bone mass (10-20Hz, patient individual exercises, 10*15min./week, 6 months + 6 months follow-up). The Galileo Therapy showed an improvement of bone mass by +6,5% and of different aspects of motoric function of up to +35%...
Galileo Research Facts No. 129: Can squats with Galileo Training be more effective for warm-up than without Galileo?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 129: Can squats with Galileo Training be more effective for warm-up than without Galileo?

This study documented the effects of Galileo Training in combination with squats on muscle temperature. Dynamic as well as static squats with and without Galileo were tested (26Hz, Pos. 3). The Galileo groups showed significant higher warming-up effects concerning muscle temperature with increases compared to the control group with +43% and +87%, showing that Galileo Training can be very effectively used for warm-up...
Galileo Research Facts No. 128: Can Galileo Therapy improve Gait Parameters in Stroke patients significantly?

18. September 2023

Galileo Research Facts No. 128: Can Galileo Therapy improve Gait Parameters in Stroke patients significantly?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy in combination with treadmill therapy on gait parameters in stroke patients (20-30Hz, 4*45sec., 3/week, 6 weeks, 6 different exercises). The control group received treadmill therapy without Galileo (20Min./session). In all reported functional outcome parameters the effects in combination with Galileo Therapy were up to factor 3.25 (+225%) higher than treadmill therapy only...

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