GRFS, Space Research

Galileo Research Facts No. 145: Can Galileo Training compensate negative vascular effects of bedrest?

Galileo Research Facts No. 145: Can Galileo Training compensate negative vascular effects of bedrest?

During the 2nd Berlin Bedrest study (#BBR2) the influence of intense Galileo Training on Creatine Kinase levels was investigated. During this study the participants had to stay in bed for 55 days. One control group did no training at all, the second resistance training. The Galileo group received identical resistance training (1.5 times body weight) + vibration only 6 * 1 minute and only 3 times per week.

This study concentrated on the expected negative effects of bed-rest on vascular parameters. While both control groups showed a significant decrease in vascular parameters like dilator capacity or vascular diameters by up to -26%, the 20 minutes Galileo Training per week could compensate theses negative effects by about 50%. For some aspects Galileo Training could even completely compensate effects or even slightly improve them (for example vascular stiffness).

This study hence documented fundamental effects which help to explain training effects reported by other Galileo studies like effects on blood-flow (#GRFS81, #GRFS24, #GRFS21, #GRFS20) or endurance (#GRFS86, #GRFS46, #GRFS12) because of the underlying effects on blood vessels and therefore blood-supply of muscles.

#GRFS145 #BBR2 #GalileoTraining #VibrationTraining #MechnaoStimulation #VascularStiffness #BedRest