GRFS, Therapy

Galileo Research Facts No. 159: Can Galileo Therapy be used even under intense Chemotherapy in Leukemia?

Galileo Research Facts No. 159: Can Galileo Therapy be used even under intense Chemotherapy in Leukemia?

This study investigated effects of Galileo Therapy during intensive chemo-therapy in patients with hematological malignancies (this includes many types of Leukemia). This study was designed as a safety study mainly investigating the feasibility and safety of Galileo application in this group. The study compared over a duration of 2 weeks and 3 times per week one group with cycling ergometer training (20 minutes) and the Galileo group (18-25Hz, pos. 3-4, 120° squat static and dynamic, 6 x 30-60 seconds). The results show significant group differences with much better results on motor function in the Galileo group in chair rise test (CRT, group difference: 17%), jump power (17%) as well as Timed Up & Go Test (TUG, 13%).

Taking into consideration that the study was designed as a safety study, where intervention intensity is usually set quite moderate and that only 6 Galileo sessions where performed, the observed group differences and improvements in the Galileo group are remarkable. However, these results are in line with other studies using a similar Galileo intervention regime in COPD patients over a time of 3 weeks (#GRFS144, #GRFS106, #GRFS124, #GRFS107, #GRFS34, #GRFS32) which also showed very relevant functional improvements.

Also, of interest are the results of #GRFS36 in patients after intensive chemo-therapy which not only improved muscle function but also decreased pain associated with the chemo-therapy.

#GRFS159 #GalileoResearchFacts #GalileoTherapy #Leukemia #ChemoTherapy #Neuropathy #Cancer #MuscleFunction #JumpingHeight #JumpPower #CRT #TUG #MechanoStimulation #Pain #Oncology