GRFS, Therapy

Galileo Research Facts No. 168: Is in Parkinson’s regeneration after Galileo Therapy faster than after treadmill therapy?

Galileo Research Facts No. 168: Is in Parkinson’s regeneration after Galileo Therapy faster than after treadmill therapy?

This study compared effects of treadmill training and Galileo Therapy on training intensity (measured by oxygen uptake) and regeneration speed (measured by EPOC / oxygen uptake) in Parkinson’s patients (age 51-66). Both groups received over a period of 4 weeks, 4 times per week 15 minutes warmup on a cycling ergometer at 50W. In addition, they received either 4*5 minutes treadmill walking (at 75% of heart rate reserve) or 20*1 Minute Galileo Therapy at 26Hz, pos. 4, semi-squat with 1 min. break between sessions.

The results showed in Galileo Therapy an increase in achieved training intensity +41% oxygen Update) and at the same time a significantly decreased regeneration time (-37%). This means that breaks after Galileo Therapy can be much shorter than in traditional treadmill therapy. To increase individual acceptance, it would have been advisable to decrease the used amplitude to pos. 2-3 and increase to frequency to 30Hz – this would result in decreased joint forces at similar or even higher muscle activation. Other studies did also show an improved Balance in Parkinsons patients (#GRFS88).

The study is a good example for advantages of Galileo Therapy compared to traditional Training Therapy especially also in Parkinson’s since a long regeneration phase in Parkinson’s Therapy is a relevant problem which decreases possible training intensity and therefore possible training outcomes – if especially at the begin of therapy training intensity can be increased, then results can be achieved much faster.

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