GRFS, Therapy

Galileo Research Facts No. 150: Can exhaustive Galileo Therapy be used safely even in heart transplant patients?

Galileo Research Facts No. 150: Can exhaustive Galileo Therapy be used safely even in heart transplant patients?

This study reported the effects of Galileo Therapy on cardiovascular parameters like heart rate and blood pressure in patients after a heart transplant (14 patients, 4 months to several years after surgery). The immediate effects of Galileo Therapy after an exhaustive Galileo session (26Hz, pos. 1.5, 70° squat, 1 to 10 Minutes to individual exhaustion according to Borg scale) where reported. All patients received regular cardiovascular exercises on a cycling ergometer (average heart rate 118Hz). There was no adverse effect reported.

The results show that even exhaustive Galileo Therapy at higher frequencies (26Hz) showed only moderate cardio-vascular effects – in this case heart rate before and immediately after the Galileo session increased by 21 beats only (98 Hz to 121 Hz). Similar results were reported for blood pressure – the reported cardiovascular effects where comparable to those of cardiovascular exercises using a cycling ergometer.

Another example (comparable to Galileo application after lung transplant #GRFS31) for how safely Galileo Therapy can be used even after severe surgery and in significantly deconditioned patients.

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