This study reported the effects of Galileo Therapy on cardiovascular parameters like heart rate and blood pressure in patients after a heart transplant (14 patients, 4 months to several years after surgery). The immediate effects of Galileo Therapy after an exhaustive Galileo session (26Hz, pos. 1.5, 70° squat, 1 to 10 Minutes to individual exhaustion according to Borg scale) where reported. All patients received regular cardiovascular exercises on a cycling ergometer (average heart rate 118Hz). There was no adverse effect reported.
The results show that even exhaustive Galileo Therapy at higher frequencies (26Hz) showed only moderate cardio-vascular effects – in this case heart rate before and immediately after the Galileo session increased by 21 beats only (98 Hz to 121 Hz). Similar results were reported for blood pressure – the reported cardiovascular effects where comparable to those of cardiovascular exercises using a cycling ergometer.
Another example (comparable to Galileo application after lung transplant #GRFS31) for how safely Galileo Therapy can be used even after severe surgery and in significantly deconditioned patients.
#GRFS150 #GalileoResearchFacts #GalileoTherapy #MechanoStimulation #HeartTransplant #Safety #CardioTherapy #Endurance
- 18.09.2023
- Produktgruppen: Galileo Therapy
- Themen: Back Pain, Basics, Diseases, Geriatrics, Health Promotion at Work, Incontience, Medical Applications, Neurological Conditions, Orthopedic Diseases, Osteoporosis, Paediatrics, Prevention, Pyhsitherapy & Rehabilitation, SCI, Stroke, Therapy & Prevention using Galileo, Training & Education