GRFS, Sports & Fitness

Galileo Research Facts No. 146: Can exercises with extra loads and with Galileo Training at 40Hz be more effective than without?

Galileo Research Facts No. 146: Can exercises with extra loads and with Galileo Training at 40Hz be more effective than without?

This study investigated the effects of Galileo Training at very high frequencies (up to 40Hz) in combination with squats and heel raises and extra loads (80% one repetition maximum (1RM), in this case 80kg in average). The study compared identical exercises with and without Galileo Training at frequencies of up to 40Hz (GIS1): 3 sets each of 8 x squats (4 seconds per repetition) and 12 x heel-raises. The last repetition of the squats was carried out to exhaustion and used to adapt extra loads for the next session: if less than 8 repetitions were achieved load was reduced by 5% for more than 8 repetitions load was increased by 5% (max. 10kg). In the Galileo group the Frequency was increased gradually from 20 Hz to 40 Hz within the first 3 to 4 weeks (Position 3-4) (#GIS1).

#GRFS135 already reported the positive effects on muscle cross-section. The Galileo group also showed especially when compared to the control group a significant increase in isometric torque at ankle and knee (up to +4%) and a significant reduction in ground contact time in reactive jumps (drop-jump) usually used as an indicator for speed This study shows once more how the combination of Galileo Training with traditional exercises can increase their effectiveness significantly.

#GRFS146 #GalileoTraining #Workout #ContactTime #DropJump #DJ #Torque #Squats #HeelRaises #StrengthTraining