GRFS, Sports & Fitness

Galileo Research Facts No. 137: Can Galileo Training be more effective and efficient for warm-up than ergometer training?

Galileo Research Facts No. 137: Can Galileo Training be more effective and efficient for warm-up than ergometer training?

This study investigated the warm-up effects of Galileo Training concerning muscle temperature, muscle power and training duration. The study compared standard cycling ergometer training (10 minutes at 70W), passive warm up in a water bath (legs in 41°C water) and Galileo Training (26 Hz, position 3, slow dynamic squats, 10°-90°, 6 seconds per prepetition for about 5 minutes). Interestingly a significant part of the warm-up effects could be achieved by passive warming up of the muscles…

The over-all study results showed that Galileo Training resulted in higher effects on muscle power (isokinetic maximum ergometer power) in a much shorter time (5 minutes compared to 10 and 17 minutes). In this study Galileo Training was therefore not only mare efficient but also more effective than traditional ergometer training. These study results are backed-up by other Galileo studies (#GRFS129, #GRFS61, #GRFS60, #GRFS47, #GRFS38) dreporting warm-up effects on flexibility, muscle power and balance.

#GRFS137 #GalileoTraining #WarmUp #Ergometer #MusclePower #Power #VibrationTraining