GRFS, Home & Wellness

Galileo Research Facts No. 115: Can Galileo Training improve trunk flexibility and torque (force) of the knee?

Galileo Research Facts No. 115: Can Galileo Training improve trunk flexibility and torque (force) of the knee?

This study documented the effects of 3 weeks of Galileo Training in physical active young women on flexibility and concentric maximum knee torque. The control group continued their weekly exercises (2 to 3 times per week) while the Galileo group only received the Galileo Training (plus 10 minutes warm-up per session) (25Hz, position 3, slightly flexed legs (10°), 2*5 minutes, 5 times per week over 3 weeks).

While the control group showed no significant changes the Galileo group could show significant improvements in concentric maximum knee torque in flexor as well as in extensor of up to 8% and an improved flexibility (Sit & Reach Test) by 13%.

Considering that that a fairly high frequency of 25Hz was used and that other research (#GRFS59) could show that mid frequencies (10-20Hz) in Galileo Training can be even more effective as high ones (>20Hz) exercises focusing on stretching at 16 to 18 Hz for example could have been even more effective. In addition, for knee torque even higher freqeuncies (30 to 36Hz) and if needed lower amplitudes (smaller foot position, 1.5 to 2) would have been even more effective for increase of knee torque (#GRFS4, #GRFS3, #GRF146, #GRFS149, #GRFS151).

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