GRFS, Sports & Fitness

Galileo Research Facts No. 33: Can one set Galileo Training + Blood Flow Restriction activate muscle Satellite cells?

Galileo Research Facts No. 33: Can one set Galileo Training + Blood Flow Restriction activate muscle Satellite cells?

Satellite cells are the cell nuclei of muscle fibers. An increase of the number of Satellite cells indicates a growth of the muscle fiber (either cross sectional area which is equivalent to an increase in force or length which is equivalent to an increase in contraction speed). Occlusion (Blood Flow Restriction, BFR – the blocking of vessels by a cuff which blocks blood transport into the muscle during the training session) is known to be a very potential training especially for endurance.

As #GRFS86 and #GRFS11 this study examined effects of Galileo Training in combination with BFR. In this case 3 groups were used: BFR, Galileo and the combination of both. In this case 3 groups were used: BFR, Galileo and the combination of both. It showed that BDR and Galileo Training had the same tendency of increasing the number of Satellite cells 24 hours after only one set of Training of 3×4 minutes. However, the combination of the two showed a tremendous increase of Satellite cell activity by up to 130% indicating a massive training effect on the muscle fiber level.

Interestingly, this effect was identical for Type I and Type II fibers indicating that the training effect was addressing fast and slow twitch fibers at the same time. Therefore, if you use BFR training you should combine it with Galileo.

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