This study reported the therapy results of Galileo Therapy in kids with CP (Cerebral Palsy) within the Cologne Concept (University Hospital Cologne, Prof. Schönau, UniReha). During the Cologne Concept (“Auf die Beine”) the patients receive a six months home based Galileo intervention. Within the first 2 weeks of the therapy program in the hospital a set of exercises optimized for the patient is defined which will be performed 10 times per week (15 minutes) over a period of 6 months back home (10-26HZ, 10*15 minutes per week).
This study reported results of 300 children with different conditions and showed average improvements of bone mass of 6,5% – another publication of the group showed that this improvement was higher than the expected growth effects (#GRFS103). In addition, this study showed significant and relevant improvements in motoric function (different dimensions of the GMFT) with improvements of running (+7.7%), sitting (+12.7%), crawling (+14.2%) and standing (+35.1%).
These results are in line with other Galileo publications for example for muscle function (#GRFS122, #GRFS52) and proves how effective Galileo Therapy can be used in children with neuro-muscular conditions.
#GRFS130 #GalileoTherapy #MechanoStimulation #CP #CerebralPalsy #SMA #OI #OsteogenesisImperfecta #CologneConcept #AufDieBeine #UniReha #BoneMass #MotoricFunction #BackOnYourFeet
- 18.09.2023
- Produktgruppen: Galileo Therapy
- Themen: Back Pain, Basics, Diseases, Geriatrics, Health Promotion at Work, Incontience, Medical Applications, Neurological Conditions, Orthopedic Diseases, Osteoporosis, Paediatrics, Prevention, Pyhsitherapy & Rehabilitation, SCI, Stroke, Therapy & Prevention using Galileo, Training & Education