GRFS, Kids-Therapy

Galileo Research Facts No. 52: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and bone parameters in OI (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) patients?

Galileo Research Facts No. 52: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and bone parameters in OI (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) patients?

Another publication of the positive effects of Galileo Therapy in the Cologne Concept (#GRFS15, #GRFS14, #GRFS13) which has been developed by the group around Prof. Schoenau at the University Hospital Cologne (“back on your feet”). This time the effects of Galileo Therapy in Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI, also called “brittle bone diseases”) patients where documented.

Interestingly, OI is a typical example for one very fundamental problem: The additional (secondary) negative effects on the human body of DISUSE of muscles. This secondary problem can be seen in almost any disease or condition and its effects are often even more severe than the primary effects of the disease itself. What happens is quite simple: if the muscle is not used, muscle mass and function is lost and this has negative effects on many other aspects of the human body including bone mass and bone geometry. In case of OI due to a genetic defect bone is over-calcified (so the bone becomes “brittle”) which causes a high fracture risk especially in children (often several fractures per year). Due to this high fracture risk patients are tempted not to be physical active to minimize the number of fractures. However, this lack of muscle use (disuse) causes loss of muscle function and therefore additional loss of bone mass – a downward spiral which is simply caused by disuse of muscle. But especially during the growth period physical activity is important (about 30% of growth in length is caused by physical activity

– therefore being less physical active means less growth). This study shows the effect of the Cologne Concept (6 months home-based Galileo application, 10 unit per week, 15-20Hz, exercises optimized to the individual needs) in OI patients: After 6 months of Galileo Therapy there was a significant improve in muscle function (GMFM66, walking distance) of up to 43%, and increase of muscle mass in legs and hips of 8% and an increase of bone mineral content (aBMC) of over 20% – a nice example of how Galileo Therapy can help to stop the downward spiral of disuse

#GRFS52 #GalileoTherapy #OI #GalileoOI #OsteogenesisImperfecta #Gait #MuscleFucntion #BoneMass #BoneDensity #CologneConcept #GalileoKids #MechanoStimulation