GRFS, Kids-Therapy

Galileo Research Facts No. 122: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and muscle mass in OI patients?

Galileo Research Facts No. 122: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and muscle mass in OI patients?

This study documented the effects of Galileo Training in children with OI (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) during the Cologne therapy concept “auf die Beine” on muscle function and muscle mass (10-20Hz, patient individual exercises, 10*15min./week, 6 months + 6 months follow-up). The results showed a significant growth corrected increase of muscle mass (+7%), an significant increase of leg force (+7%) and of the GMFM66 (+9%).

While the improvement of bone mass has been reported in (#GRFS103) this study also showed a significant improvement of growth-corrected total body muscle mass (+7%) as well as +7% in leg force (lifting the body mass on a tilt-table with 545° tilt-angle and +9% in GMFM 66 (Gross Motor Functional Measure, one of the standard tests for neuro-muscular function and abilities in children).

Up to now about 5000 children successfully received therapy with in Cologne Concept. During this world-wide unique project, the Galileo Team was able to work in close cooperation with the Cologne working group optimizing Galileo Therapy step by step.

#GRFS122 # GalileoTherapy #CysticFibrosis #OI #BeinKraft #GMFM66 #OsteogenesisImperfecta #CologenConcept #UniReha #MechanoStrimulation