GRFS, Therapy

Galileo Research Facts No. 53: Can 8 weeks of Galileo Therapy at age 80 decrease fall risk and improve quality of life?

Galileo Research Facts No. 53: Can 8 weeks of Galileo Therapy at age 80 decrease fall risk and improve quality of life?

As already shown in #GRFS49, #GRFS48 und #GRFS42 this study shows once more that even in old age (in this case up to 89 years) Galileo Therapy can be used very efficiently to compensate one of the most relevant effects of aging: The loss of muscle function and flexibility which cause increased fall and fracture risk.

In this study high fall risk, frail 72- to 89-year-old received a training therapy intervention over a period of 8 weeks only. Both groups received an intensive physical therapy of 3 times 60 minutes per week. The Galileo group received only an additional 5 minutes Galileo Therapy per session (up to 30Hz, position 2 to 4, legs bent slightly). Nevertheless, the Galileo group showed about double the therapy effect then the control group without Galileo – concerning quality of life questionnaires (up to 44% improvement) as well as muscle function parameters measured by every-day tasks like 6m walking speed, balance and timed up and go test and fall risk with improvements of up to 52%.

More evidence for the fact that Galileo Therapy can be used very effectively even at high age and that Galileo Therapy can deliver what it was designed for over 20 years ago by Hans Schießl: Improve over-all fitness and life quality in aging – an therefor stay independent as long as possible!

#GRFS53 #GalileoTherapy #MuscelFunction #MusclePower #Balance #FallRisk #QualityOfLife #Frail #Frailty #Sarkopenia #BestAging #MechanoStimulation