GRFS, Therapy

Galileo Research Facts No. 42: Can Galileo Therapy improve balance, muscle power and quality of life in elderly?

Galileo Research Facts No. 42: Can Galileo Therapy improve balance, muscle power and quality of life in elderly?

Flexibility and muscle power – this is what the therapy protocol used in this study focused on to compensate two of the major negative aspects of the aging process when it comes to locomotion in general. Galileo Therapy at 10Hz (flexibility/balance) and at 26Hz (muscle power) (#GIS1, #GRFS3, #GRFS4) was performance 3 times a week over 6 weeks for only 2 times one minutes each. In addition, the Galileo Group and the control group receive standard physiotherapy 3 times 10 minutes per week focusing on gait, balance and strength. While the Galileo group showed significant improvements of in average 40% in all tested aspects like muscle function (gait, timed up and go, balance) or quality of life (pain, social interaction) the control group even showed moderate negative effects.

This general improvement of neuromuscular function is one of the reasons why Galileo Therapy can decrease fall and fracture risk (#GRFS48, #GRFS53, #GRFS27, #GRFS132) and why it can compensate bone loss (#GRFS76). This study is a good example for physical activity not only having an effect on muscle function but also on the mental status and quality of life in general – and how efficient Galileo Therapy can be used in this context.

#GRFS42 #GalileoTherapy #GalileoResearchFacts #Balance #Pain #NursingHome #QOL #QualityOfLife #CRT #MechanoStimulation