Galileo Research Facts No. 159: Can Galileo Therapy be used even under intense Chemotherapy in Leukemia?

Galileo Research Facts No. 159: Can Galileo Therapy be used even under intense Chemotherapy in Leukemia?

This safety study investigated the effects of Galileo Therapy during intense chemotherapy in Leukemia. Galileo Therapy was compared to cycling ergometer training (20 min., 18-25Hz, pos. 3-4, 120° squat, 3/week, 2 weeks). The Galileo group showed significant muscle function improvements compared to the ergometer group with in Chair-rise power (+4%), jump height (+12%) as well as timed up & go test (TUG, +19%)…

Galileo Research Facts No. 108: Can Galileo Training improve jump height?

Galileo Research Facts No. 108: Can Galileo Training improve jump height?

This study documented the effects of Galileo Training on jump height in young individuals (26Hz, pos.3, increasing intensity, extra loading up to 75% body weight, 3-5 min, 2/week, 5.5 months). The control groups received no training (control) or conventional strength-training (conventional). Even though the Galileo group had the shorter training session it showed significantly higher results with up to 17% increase of jump height…

Galileo Research Facts No. 92: Can frequent Galileo Training improve the immune system?

Galileo Research Facts No. 93: Can 5*10 min./week Galileo Training prevent loss of muscle function during 55 days bedrest?

During the 1st Berlin Bedrest Study (BBR) individuals had to stay in bed for 55 days completely. The control group did no training at all, the Galileo group received 10 Min., 5 days/week 12-26Hz of intense Galileo Training while in bed. The Galileo group could prevent loss of muscle function almost completely while the control group lost muscle function by up to 28%…

Galileo Research Facts No. 77: Can 3 minutes Galileo Training decrease side differences in one-legged jumping?

Galileo Research Facts No. 77: Can 3 minutes Galileo Training decrease side differences in one-legged jumping?

This Study investigated the immediate effects of Galileo Training on the side-differences in one-legged jumping (26Hz, pos. 3, 3 min., bilateral 90° squats, both feet or only one foot on Galileo). The control group performed the identical exercise without vibration. Bilateral Galileo training improved jumping height of the stronger leg, one legged training focused on the weaker leg and decreased the side-difference by 12%…

Galileo Research Facts No. 65: Can 7 minutes Galileo Training change the hormonal profile?

Galileo Research Facts No. 65: Can 7 minutes Galileo Training change the hormonal profile?

Diese Studie untersuchte den Effekt von lediglich 7 * 60 Sekunden Galileo Training auf die Sprungleistung und Hormonantwort (7 * 60 Sek., 30Hz, Pos. 5, 90° Kniebeuge). Das Galileo Training erhöhte die Spitzenleistung und Spitzensprunghöhe bei wiederholten Sprüngen um bis zu 13% und reduzierte Testosteron und Cortisol um bis zu 27% und zeigte somit Reaktionen analog zu intensivstem Krafttraining…

Galileo Research Facts No. 38: Can 75 seconds of Galileo warm-up training increase flexibility, performance and balance?

Galileo Research Facts No. 38: Can 75 seconds of Galileo warm-up training increase flexibility, performance and balance?

The study reported the immediate effects of 75 seconds of a special Galileo Based warm-up training on flexibility, jumping performance and balance in Olympic rhythmic gymnasts (5*15 sec., 30Hz, pos. 2). The control group did the same 5 exercises without vibration. The Galileo group showed immediately and 15 min. after the exercises improvements of up to 15% while the control groups showed no significant improvements…

Galileo Research Facts No. 35: Can Galileo Training increase jumping performance after only 10 days?

Galileo Research Facts No. 35: Can Galileo Training increase jumping performance after only 10 days?

The first Whole Body Vibration Training study ever, done with Galileo in 1998. It shows the effects of Galileo Training on Jumping performance in active handball and water polo players (26Hz, pos. 5, 5*2 min., 10 days, 1) forefoot 2) 45° squat 3) 90°squat 4/5) 90°squat one legged). Both groups performed additional 20 min. warmup and 5 min. jump training. Only the Galileo Training group showed jump improvements of up to 12%…

Galileo Research Facts No. 10: Can Galileo Training increase jumping height in older individuals?

Galileo Research Facts No. 10: Can Galileo Training increase jumping height in older individuals?

This study investigated the effect of Galileo Training on jumping height in 45 to 63 year old individuals. They performed 12 training session at 30 Hz within 6 weeks. As a result jumping height increased by almost 20% while there was no significant change in the control group. The authors therefore suggested Galileo Training as an alternative to standard strength training methods…