This Study investigates the effects of Galileo Therapy on muscle function in children and adolescents (Age 10-19) with Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21). Outcome parameters were 6 minutes walking distance (6MWT), chair rise test (CRT) as well as jumping tests. The selected parameters document physical performance, especially in down syndrome an import parameter since a lack of physical activity and the resulting tendency zo over weight is a typical symptom – an effective and efficient (simple to apply & not time-consuming) is therefore an essential therapy component. The participants received over a period of 20 weeks 4 times per week 3 times 3 minutes Galileo Therapy with 20Hz at Position 2-3.
The results showed a significant increase of walking distance (+12%) as well as in chair rise performance (Power: +15%, Time: reduction by -25%) and a significant increase in jumping performance with increased jump height by 28% and at the same time an increase in movement efficiency (less force investment at higher outcome in power/jumping height) by +11%. These results are of special interest, since the used training frequency of 20Hz targets coordination, relaxation and stretching – for the aimed increase of muscle power much higher frequencies (26-33Hz) as well as a deeper squat would have been much more effective (#GRFS70), in addition training duration could have been further decreased. . Nevertheless, this study proves the high potential of Galileo Therapy especially in Down Syndrome.
#GRFS169 #GalileoResearchFacts #GalileoTherapy #MechanoStimulation #MuscleActibvation #MusclePower #DownSyndrome #Trisomy21
- 18.09.2023
- Produktgruppen: Galileo Therapy
- Themen: Back Pain, Basics, Diseases, Geriatrics, Health Promotion at Work, Incontience, Medical Applications, Neurological Conditions, Orthopedic Diseases, Osteoporosis, Paediatrics, Prevention, Pyhsitherapy & Rehabilitation, SCI, Stroke, Therapy & Prevention using Galileo, Training & Education