This study as many others showed the efficiency end effectivity of Galileo Therapy in this case in children with Down Syndrome. Both groups of this study received over a period of 6 months 3 times per week 60 minutes of physio therapy targeting muscle strength, flexibility and balance. The Galileo group received additional 5 to 10 minutes Galileo Therapy (25-30Hz, position 2, legs slightly flexed).
Even though the Galileo group only received about 25% more therapy their results were highly significantly higher with 2.5 to 4 times higher therapy effects (muscle strength +14%, balance up to +22%). This is another example of the efficiency and effectiveness of Galileo Therapy. The Galileo study #GRFS169 did also show increased muscle power for this condition.
#GRFS70 #GalileoTherapy #DownSyndrome #Balance #MuskelStrength #Force #MechanoStimulation
- 16.09.2023
- Produktgruppen: Galileo Therapy
- Themen: Back Pain, Basics, Diseases, Geriatrics, Health Promotion at Work, Incontience, Medical Applications, Neurological Conditions, Orthopedic Diseases, Osteoporosis, Paediatrics, Prevention, Pyhsitherapy & Rehabilitation, SCI, Stroke, Therapy & Prevention using Galileo, Training & Education