GRFS, Therapy

Galileo Research Facts No. 74: Can one minute of Galileo Therapy reduce spinal and increase corticospinal excitability?

Galileo Research Facts No. 74: Can one minute of Galileo Therapy reduce spinal and increase corticospinal excitability?

This study investigated the effects of only one minute of Galileo Therapy on spinal excitability (H-Reflex) and the corticospinal excitability (MEP, motor evoked potentials). The spinal excitability is a measure of how sensitive the stretch-reflex reacts on a given external stimulation. This sensitivity is usually increased in an active spasticity – therefor a reduction of this value explains a decrease of spasticity. The corticospinal excitability on the other hand is a measure of how much central (voluntary) control (stem brain) acts on the muscle activation.

The study shows that 1 minute of Galileo Therapy at high frequencies (30Hz, pos. 3) in standing up to 10 minutes after the end of the training reduces the spinal excitability (reflex) by almost 25% (#GRFS39) and at the same time increases the corticospinal excitability (voluntary access) by almost 25%. This basic effect cannot only be utilized for optimized training in sports but also explains why Galileo Therapy can reduce spasticity (#GRFS64, #GRFS40) and at the same time can be used as a very effective neurological therapy (#GRFS51, #GRFS49).

#GRFS74 #GalileoTherapy #MEP #H-Reflex #SpinaleExcitability #CorticospinaleExcitability #SpasticityManagment #SpasticityReduction #NeuronalTherapy #MechanoStimulation