GRFS, Therapy

Galileo Research Facts No. 112: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle power and balance in MS patients?

Galileo Research Facts No. 112: Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle power and balance in MS patients?

This study primarily investigated safety aspects of Galileo Therapy in MS (Multiple Sclerosis) patients. In addition is also investigated the effects of the Galileo Application on power, balance, flexibility and quality of life including Mental Health. The Galileo Therapy was applied over a period of 8 weeks with increasing intensity (15-25Hz, position 2.5-4.5, 5-8 times 1 minute, 3 times per week).

The results show significant increase in Balance (+12,8%), the Functional Reach Tests (+14.2%), power (Timed Walk (10m) +9%, Timed Up & Go Test +10%) and Mental Health (FS-36, +9%). Considering that this was design primarily as a safety study this are very interesting results – especially considering that the maximum time per Galileo session including rest in-between exercises was 15 minutes – another proof for the efficiency of Galileo Therapy. This study is also in line with other results of Galileo Therapy reported in MS patients berichteten (#GRFS132, #GRFS94, #GRFS82).

#GRFS112 #GalileoTherapy #MechanoStimulation #MS #MultipleSclerosis #Balance #Power #MentalHealth #QOL #Flexibility #QualityOfLife