Core and Whole-Body Vibration Exercise Improve Military Foot March Performance in Novice Trainees: A Randomized Controlled Trial.


INTRODUCTION: The purpose of the present study was to investigate core exercise training and whole-body vibration (WBV) as a training method to improve performance and recovery from an 8-km military foot march in novice trainees. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 3 x 5 repeated measures randomized control trial was used to evaluate the effects of core exercise training and WBV on performance and recovery from an 8-km foot march. Thirty-nine participants were randomized into three groups: core exercise (Ex), WBV with core exercise (WBVEx), and control. Each participant completed two 8-km foot marches (FM1 and FM2) with a 35 pound rucksack, separated by 4 weeks. Participants in the Ex and WBVEx groups completed 3 weeks of core exercise training, three times per week in between FM1 and FM2. Performance time, creatine kinase (CK), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were measured. The Auburn University Institutional Review Board approved all aspects of this study (protocol number: 19-211 MR 1907). RESULTS: Performance time (P < .001) and CK (P = .005) were significantly improved during FM2 as compared to FM1. The Ex (d = -0.295) and WBVEx (d = -0.645) treatments had a large effect on performance time. CK (P < .001) and IL-6 (P < .001) were significantly elevated at the completion of the foot march regardless of group. Only CK remained elevated for 2 days (P < .001) following the foot march. CONCLUSIONS: Core exercise training with or without WBV improved 8-km foot march performance time by 5-6 minutes. The improvements are likely because of an increase in trunk stability. Additionally, this study showed that completing two identical foot marches a month apart increases performance and improves recovery.

Author: Lyons KD, Parks AG, Dadematthews OD, Zandieh NL, McHenry PA, Games KE, Goodlett MD, Murrah WM, Roper JA, Sefton JM

Organization: Warrior Research Center, School of Kinesiology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA.

Year: 2021

GID: 5492

Created on: 19.07.2021

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