Whole-Body Vibration Exercise Improves the Functionality in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review.


BACKGROUND: Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s aging process. Menopause leads to the decrease of the estrogen levels, and in consequence the functionality worsening. Physical exercise can improve the functionality of postmenopausal woman. This review aimed to assess the effect of whole-body vibration exercise (WBVE) on the functionality of postmenopausal women. METHODS: PRISMA guideline were used. Only English language were considered. Searches were conducted using relevant keywords for papers prior to Sep 16th, 2021, in Embase, Pubmed, The Cochrane Library, PED-ro, SPORTDiscus, Scopus, Web of Science and CINAHL databases. RESULTS: Eight articles were selected to be in this systematic review. The mean score of methodological quality was moderate, the risk of bias was low for two studies, high for four studies, and unclear for two studies. The level of evidence of the studies was II. Improvements on muscle strength, jump, balance and maximum trunk flexion strength in the post menopause woman were reported. CONCLUSION: This systematic review demonstrated the functionality increase in postmenopausal women through WBVE. WBVE has been recommended as a non-pharmacological option relevant to postmenopausal management, helping to control the decline in bone density and symptoms related to osteoporosis and sarcopenia. However, further studies are needed to reinforce these findings.

Author: Guedes De Aguiar EO, Moreira Marconi E, Monteiro-Oliveira BB, Gomes-Santos AC, Coelho Oliveira AC, Paineiras-Domingos LL, Sa-Caputo DC, Bernardo Filho M

Organization: Postgraduate Program in Medical Sciences, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Year: 2023

GID: 5964

Created on: 02.05.2023

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