Vibration assisted rehabilitation in patients with Pompe disease: A case series.


The results of three cases with infantile-onset Pompe disease participating in a rehabilitation program with home-based vibration training will be presented. In this retrospective observational case study, the cases participated in the neuromuscular training program ‚Auf die Beine‘, which combines two blocks of intensive, goal directed training with 6 months of home-based whole body vibration (WBV). Assessments by the means of a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and grip strength were applied at multiple points throughout the program. Two cases showed an increase in lean mass index of +0.319 kg/m(2), +0.721 kg/m(2) and bone mineral content of +0.028 kg/m(2), +0.031 kg/m(2) over one year. Additionally physiotherapeutic therapy goals could be achieved. In the remaining child lean mass index did not change, bone mineral content decreased by -0.03 kg. The neuromuscular rehabilitation program ‚Auf die Beine‘ has shown to be safe and effective in two of three cases for muscle and bone mass gain as well as in achievement of physiotherapeutic goals. To summarize, WBV is an innovative therapy in a rehabilitation concept, which might be helpful in Pompe disease, but further studies with larger cohorts are needed.

Weitere Informationen:

Autor: Jones A, Duran I, Stark C, Spiess K, Semler O, Schoenau E

Organisation: University of Cologne, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Cologne, Department of Pediatrics, Cologne, Germany.

Jahr: 2022

GID: 5724

Erstellt am: 02.06.2022

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