Mechanography in children: pediatric references in postural control.


OBJECTIVE: To establish pediatric age- and sex-specific references for measuring postural control with a mechanography plate in a single centre, prospective, normative data study. METHODS: 739 children and adolescents (396 male/343 female) aged 4 to 17 years were studied. Each participant completed the following test sequence three times: Romberg, semi-tandem, tandem, each with eyes open and closed, and a one-leg stand with eyes open, and a single two-legged jump. Normal ranges were determined based on percentile calculations using the LMS method. Results from the two-legged jump were compared to a reference population the single two-legged jump (s2LJ) assessment in 2013. RESULTS: 38 different equilibrium parameters calculated were analysed. Of all parameters Path Length, vCoFmean, Equilibrium Score and Sway Angle showed a low variation within the same age group but high dependency on age and were thus chosen for automated balance assessment. CONCLUSION: Standard values of postural control in healthy children derived from automated balance testing using a mechanography plate were successfully acquired and a subset of parameters for automated balance assessment identified.

Weitere Informationen:

Autor: Pilz F, Vill K, Rawer R, Bonfert M, Tacke M, Heussinger N, Muller-Felber W, Blaschek A

Organisation: Children's Hospital, University Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany.

Jahr: 2022

GID: 5850

Erstellt am: 05.12.2022

Das Urteil unserer Kunden: Hervorragend


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