Benefits of Two 24-Week Interactive Cognitive-Motor Programs on Body Composition, Lower-Body Strength, and Processing Speed in Community Dwellings at Risk of Falling: A Randomized Controlled Trial.


This 24-week randomized controlled trial study evaluated the effects of two interactive cognitive-motor programs on body composition, lower-body strength, and processing speed in community dwellings at risk of falling. Forty-eight participants (75.0 +/- 5.4 years) were allocated into EG1 (psychomotor intervention program), EG2 (combined program (psychomotor intervention + whole-body vibration)), and a control group. EG programs induced significant improvements in bone mass, lower-body strength, and processing speed (p < 0.05), with similar treatment effects on lower-body strength and processing speed and higher bone mineral content and density within EG2. The fall rate decreased in EG1 (44.2%) and EG2 (63%) (p < 0.05). After the 12-week no-intervention follow-up, improvements in lower-body strength were reversed in both EGs, but those in processing speed were maintained, mainly in EG2 (p < 0.05). In conclusion, both programs were accepted and well tolerated. The combined program led to additional benefits in bone mass. Both programs positively impacted physical and cognitive risk factors for falls and injuries. They induced similar improvements in lower-body strength and processing speed, decreasing the fall rate. These findings suggest that both programs are successful for fall and injury prevention in the studied population.

Autor: Rosado H, Pereira C, Bravo J, Carvalho J, Raimundo A

Organisation: Departamento de Desporto e Saude, Escola de Saude e Desenvolvimento Humano, Universidade de Evora, 7004-516 Evora, Portugal.

Jahr: 2022

GID: 5734

Erstellt am: 28.06.2022

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