Reporting Guidelines for Whole-Body Vibration Studies in Humans, Animals and Cell Cultures: A Consensus Statement from an International Group of Experts.
Whole-body vibration (WBV) is an exercise modality or treatment/prophylaxis method in which subjects (humans, animals, or cells) are exposed to mechanical vibrations through a vibrating platform or device. The vibrations are defined by their direction, frequency, magnitude, duration, and the number of daily bouts. Subjects can be exposed while performing exercises, hold postures, sitting, or lying down. Worldwide, WBV has attracted significant attention, and the number of studies is rising. To interpret, compare, and aggregate studies, the correct, complete, and consistent reporting of WBV-specific data (WBV parameters) is critical. Specific reporting guidelines aid in accomplishing this goal. There was a need to expand existing guidelines because of continuous developments in the field of WBV research, including but not limited to new outcome measures regarding brain function and cognition, modified designs of WBV platforms and attachments (e.g., mounting a chair on a platform), and comparisons of animal and cell culture studies with human studies. Based on Delphi studies among experts and using EQUATOR recommendations, we have developed extended reporting guidelines with checklists for human and animal/cell culture research, including information on devices, vibrations, administration, general protocol, and subjects. In addition, we provide explanations and examples of how to report. These new reporting guidelines are specific to WBV variables and do not target research designs in general. Researchers are encouraged to use the new WBV guidelines in addition to general design-specific guidelines.
Author: van Heuvelen MJG, Rittweger J, Judex S, Sanudo B, Seixas A, Fuermaier ABM, Tucha O, Nyakas C, Marin PJ, Taiar R, Stark C, Schoenau E, Sa-Caputo DC, Bernardo-Filho M, van der Zee EA
Organization: Department of Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, 9713 AV Groningen, The Netherlands.
Year: 2021
- Biology (Basel)
- 2021
- 10(10)
- PMID: 34681065
GID: 5572
Created on: 02.11.2021