Long-term effects of 6-week whole-body vibration on balance recovery and activities of daily living in the postacute phase of stroke: a randomized, controlled trial


The long-term effects of 6-weeks whole-body vibration, as a novel method of somatosensory stimulation, on postural control and activities of daily living were compared with those of 6 weeks of exercise therapy on music of the same intensity in the postacute phase of stroke.
Fifty-three patients with moderate to severe functional disabilities were randomized within 6 weeks poststroke and within 3 days after admission to a rehabilitation center to either whole-body vibration or exercise therapy on music in addition to a regular inpatient rehabilitation program. The whole-body vibration group received 4×45-second stimulation on the Galileo 900 (30-Hz frontal plane oscillations of 3-mm amplitude) for 5 days per week during 6 weeks. The exercise therapy on music group received the same amount of exercise therapy on music. Outcome variables included the Berg Balance Scale, Trunk Control Test, Rivermead Mobility Index, Barthel Index, Functional Ambulation Categories, Motricity Index, and somatosensory threshold at 0, 6, and 12 weeks follow up.
At baseline, both groups were comparable in terms of prognostic factors and outcome measures. Both at 6 and 12 weeks follow up, no clinically relevant or statistical differences in outcome were observed between the groups. No side effects were reported.
Daily sessions of whole-body vibration during 6 weeks are not more effective in terms of recovery of balance and activities of daily living than the same amount of exercise therapy on music in the postacute phase of stroke.

Weitere Informationen:

Autor: van Nes IJ, Latour H, Schils F, Meijer R, van Kuijk A, Geurts AC

Organisation: Sint Maartenskliniek Research, Development & Education, P.O. Box 9011, 6500 GM, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. i.vannes@maartenskliniek.nl

Jahr: 2006


GID: 397

Erstellt am: 05.12.2007

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