GPR109A gene deletion ameliorates gonadectomy-induced bone loss in mice.


Sex steroid deficiency plays critical roles in the pathophysiology of bone as the result of uncertain bone remodeling, i.e., increased bone resorption with equivocal bone formation. We have previously shown that GPR109A, a G protein coupled receptor, controls osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption, where global GPR109A deletion decreased osteoclast bone resorption and increased bone mass. Here, we used global GPR109A gene deletion, ovariectomized (OVX) and orchidectomized (ORX) mouse models to probe the role of GPR109A in gonadectomy-induced bone loss in female and male mice. Six months old GPR109A(-/-) mice and their wild type littermates were allocated to Sham or gonadectomized groups for six weeks. Using densitometric micro-CT confirmed by peripheral quantitative CT (pQCT) scans on tibia and spine, and three-point bending test on femur ex vivo, we found the bone volume, trabecular number, as well as bone mineral density and content in both trabecular and cortical sites were significantly decreased in wild type OVX and ORX compared with respective Sham groups. While bone mass in both male and female GPR109A(-/-) Sham groups were significantly higher compared with their respective wild type Sham groups, global GPR109A gene deletion ameliorated gonadectomy-induced bone loss. In GPR109A(-/-) females, most of bone mass and strength parameters measured by micro-CT, pQCT and three-point bending test were not different between Sham and OVX groups. In wild type but not in GPR109(-/-) mice, bone remodeling marker measurements indicated that both bone resorption (Cathepsin K) and bone formation (osteocalcin) markers were increased in gonadectomized mice compared to sham, with the exception of bone specific ALP, which was decreased in gonadectomized mice. Expression of bone resorption markers (Cathepsin K) were significantly lower, but beta-catenin expression was higher in GPR109A(-/-) mice compared with their wild type littermates. Collectively, these data indicate that global GPR109A deletion ameliorates gonadectomy-induced bone loss through suppression of bone resorption.

Autor: Chen JR, Lazarenko OP, Blackburn ML

Organisation: Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center, Little Rock, AR 72202, USA; Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR 72202, USA. Electronic address:

Jahr: 2022

GID: 5701

Erstellt am: 03.05.2022

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